MEET THE CAN-DO ADVISORY BOARD - CAN-DO has teamed up with some of the leading pardon experts and activists in the nation, including Mark Osler, Sam Morison, and Eric Sterling, just to name a few. Sam Morison provides invaluable insight and expertise with regard to the entire pardon process, having worked at the Office of the Pardon Attorney (OPA) for 13 years, […]

Horace Washington – 20 years – Set free due to First Step Act - Horace received relief due to the First Step Act and was set free on Name: Horace Washington #28519-034 DOB: November 12, 1968 Age: 50 Race: Black Age: 42 Raised: Louisiana Tried: Louisiana Will live: New Orleans, LA Charge: Possession with Intent to distribute crack cocaine Sentence: 20 years Started Sentence: July 3, 2003 Set free: […]