Congratulations to Crystal Mattern who received clemency from President Obama on 1/19/17.
Please sign Crystal’s Change petition.
Name: Crystal Mattern
DOB: 11-9-76
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Age: 40
Children: 4
Grandchildren: 2
Raised: MN
Charged: ND
Release to: MN/ND
Charge: Conspiracy, Meth, 500 grams
Sentence: 19 years
Served: 8 years
Started sentence on: August 8, 2008
Priors: 3rd and 5th degree sale in MN (1999) and a possession with intent to deliver in ND (2001) Other minor charges for driving
Prison conduct: I got one minor write up for contraband more that 2 years ago.
Clemency status: Pending
Supporters: Family, CAN-DO Foundation, NCIFIWG, the LOHM,
Institution: Waseca
Accomplishments: AOE College course 3 years (Riverland college), PAWS 2 years (Century college), 6 years at Unicor prison industries; daily bible study, weekly meetings; regular work out schedule; College level Sociology class (MSUM)
Donations: Yearly participation in Race for the cure; Donate hair every 3 years; teach card making class; sometimes am appointed leader of weightloss programs.
I have many other classes but they are so insignifigant that I dont even rememeber. I put in all the college level things that I have done. I will have an apprenticeship for PAWS and Mechanics at UNICOR in the next year. I think that my donations say a lot about me as a person.
According to Crystal:
I am 40 years old and have been in prison since I was 32. I will here until I am almost 50 for my part in a meth conspiracy if I don’t receive clemency.
First I want to say that when I look around I see mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters and wives all wasting their lives here. We often joke that “count time” is people inventory but it is not a joke. We are warehoused people. So many women with so much potential. We dont need another 10 or 15 years to figure out what we did wrong. We know what we have done and we see how it is effecting our families, yet we are unable to do anything about it.
I have used my time here wisely. I have 3 college certificates from an administrative assistant program. I will be finishing up my second year of PAWS (Prisoners Assist With Service Dogs) in December and starting an apprenticeship program for mechanics. I worked UNICOR for more than 6 years. The best thing that I have learned in my time here is that I like to work.
My going to prison has hurt me and my family deeply. I had been clean 2 years when I turned myself in. My 1 and 2 year old daughters had to go into foster care the day I went to prison. I am haunted by the sound of them crying as I ran to the car knowing I would never make it better. I would never pick them up. I wasnt sure I would ever see them again. It has been very difficult for my family and I pray that I will gain clemency and get to go home to help them.
I can never get back all the time I lost. I never got to see my 3 youngest meet their milestones, or on their first day of school. I might not be there when they get their drivers licenses, or even to see them graduate. But nothing would make me happier than to do these things. They are now 9, 11, and 12. I know that their caregivers could use a break and that my oldest son would love to drop off my 2 beautiful grandkids with grandma, so they could enjoy a night out.
I want to be someone that my kids can be proud of. I cant wait to give back to the community. I cant wait to rebuild relationships and make up for lost time. I cant wait to be the person that I want to be.
Thank you so much for your support!