Barbara Sue Culberson – 31 years – First Offender is NOW FREE!

Congratulations to Barbara who was released on Sept 20, 2019
Barbara Sue Culberson #48346-019
DOB:  10/24/41
Race: White
Marital Status:  Married to Ricky Wade (who is incarcerated in Talladega, AL)
Age: 76
Children:  Four living children; one deceased
Grandchildren:  Eight grandchildren; four great- grandchildren
State Raised:  Georgia
State tried:  Georgia
Will Live: Rome, Georgia
Charges:  Conspiracy with intent to distribute methamphetamine; possession of a listed chemical; attempt to escape
Sentence: 31 years; 30 on drug charges and 1 year consecutive for attempted escape Judge Sentencing comment: Barbara’s heartless judge stated “I plan for your client to die in prison.”
Served:  22 years
Compelling sidebar:  If Barbara were sentenced today, due to sentencing changes, at the  max she could only be sentenced to only 21 years, 8 months, but likely far less time.
Started Sentence:  May 1999
Priors: First time offender
Release Date:
Prison Conduct: Exemplary
Clemency status: Filed in 2012, denied by President Obama 12/2016
Refiled June 2017 -Petition pending #C271784

Compassionate Release Status:  Filed in 2014 with Warden’s recommendation  but was denied due to

  • Obesity. FACT: Medical conditions caused my weight gain, but I had lost 75 pounds and weighed 180
  • Not terminally ill AND had these ailments prior to arrest.  Untrue – I only had hypothyroidism
  • Likely to reoffend. Again the denial stated that because I had these medical conditions before my incarceration, I would be likely to reoffend.  

Carswell Medical Center
P. O. Box 27137
Fort Worth, TX 76127

Supporters: My family are my supporters; CAN-DO Foundation,The LOHM, Families for Justice as Healing, RAPP, FAMM.
Accomplishments: I have completed many classes involving myself in many religious endeavors; completed 4 year course of study and was certified for doctorate in theology. I completed multiple classes in art, knitting, crocheting and guitar.

Health: Barbara has multiple bones broken in her back (14) due to a fall in May 2015 and June 2016.  She will not recover from these injuries.  Her roommate and others assist her with laundry, cleaning, food, etc. 

Medical Conditions:  Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; Hypertension with Cardiac Myopathy; Lupus; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Osteoporosis; Glaucoma(decreased visual acuity); 90% hearing loss (is a lip reader); Pernicious Anemia; Kidney Disease; Thyroid Disease (hypothyroid); 14 broken bones and Degenerative Disc Disease (1,2,4 &5) lumbar; Severe Sleep Apnea; Sciatica; Asthma; Diverticulitis

Barbara with her family

According to Barbara also known as Miss Sue:

I have been in prison since I was 56 years old and have served almost 23 years, including jail time.  My health is failing and I have to utilize a walker at all times to move around and I use a wheelchair if I am too tired to attempt to walk.  I am over 1000 miles from my home in Rome, GA. It is almost financially impossible for my family to visit me.  I have never seen any of my great- grandchildren, and some of my grandchildren. Just this week, my youngest son was to surprise me with a visit from his daughter who I have never seen.  I was refused to see my granddaughter by the guards and told that she would have to wait out in the 110 degree sun if she came to visit. I appealed to the Warden but he never answered my request. 

I am tired and I just want to go home to spend my final days with my family. They miss me and we all do not understand why I am still serving a sentence that no longer fits the crime.

I deal with roaches and mice droppings in my food. Weevils in the rice and grits. 

I was refused to go to the hospital when I broke my hip, tail bone, fractured four lumbar discs, and crushed my spine even though I could not walk. After 2 weeks, when I started to bleed and became unconscious I was sent to the hospital.

I have to see a doctor each month before I am given pain medication and each month I have to go and wait outside the clinic and literally beg them to see me.  This is a terrible place.

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