Horace Washington – 20 years – Set free due to First Step Act

horaceHorace received relief due to the First Step Act and was set free on
Horace Washington #28519-034
DOB: November 12, 1968
Age: 50
Race: Black
Age: 42
Raised: Louisiana
Tried: Louisiana
Will live: New Orleans, LA
Charge: Possession with Intent to distribute crack cocaine
Sentence: 20 years
Started Sentence: July 3, 2003
Set free: March 12, 2019
Priors: Distribute cocaine and possession with intent to distribute
Conduct: Good
Clemency Status: CP14 pending at OPA – Case #C183320
Supporters: Family, friends, pastor, community, CAN-DO Foundation
Institution: Federal prison camp in Duluth MN
Accomplishments: Received GED, A.C. and refrigeration degree, and many completed courses, programs.

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