Name: Andres Torriente #09811-031
DOB: 05/19/1972
Age: 44
Race: Black/Hispanic
Married: No
State raised: New York, NY
State Charged: Spartanburg, South Carolina
Release date: 2027
Charge: Conspiracy to Distribute 35 kilograms of cocaine + 851 enhancement
Sentence: 21 years
Years served: 9 years 2 months
Sentence started: Oct 2007
Prison Record: perfect conduct
Clemency status: Granted by President Obama
Supporters: New York State Assembly Woman Carmen Arroyo from the 17th district in the Bronx and United States Congressman John Lewis Sr. out of Ga. CAN-DO Foundation
Institution: Fort Dix Camp NJ
PO Box 2000
Fort Dix NJ 08640
Accomplishments: Currently enrolled into a 2 year Horticulture Apprenticeship program. Completed VT course in Horticulture. Currently enrolled into VT Hydroponics and VT Turf science courses. Completed several ACE courses, including but not limited to: Business law, Real Estate law, Marketing, Business fundamentals, Spanish, World politics and general math. Currently enrolled in Real Estate finance, Import/Export, and intermediate Spanish ACE courses.