CAN-DO in the Media

CAN-DO Articles, Interviews and Publications

360 Law focuses on John Bolen’s clemency petition and the backlog of other pending petitions

Because he let two Bahamian men use his boat to smuggle 188 kilograms of cocaine into Florida 13 years ago, John Bolen is going to die in federal prison.

In his bid for presidential clemency, the former commercial fisherman cites … Read the rest

Aaron Sandusky’s medical marijuana nightmare – told by Reason

Aaron Sandusky’s case represents everything that is wrong with cannabis prohibition. Reveal’s video by Zach Weissmueller is a must watch for anyone working within the legal cannabis space. If this can happen to Aaron, it can happen to anyone.

When … Read the rest

REVEAL’s “Pardon Me” featuring Charles “Duke” Tanner and CAN-DO

CAN-DO’s Amy Ralston Povah was interviewed for the “Pardon Me” episode on Reveal and connected the producer with one of our favorite clemency applicants – Charles Tanner. Listen to “Pardon Me” here.

We start by meeting Charles “Duke” Tanner, a … Read the rest

Rufus Rochell in Daily Beast by Sam Stein

As he watched CNN from inside the federal correctional complex in Coleman, Florida, Rufus Rochell couldn’t suppress his joy at the news of Conrad Black. His old friend, the media tycoon with whom he shared a dorm years ago, had … Read the rest

Michael Thompson goes viral thanks to Tana Ganeva’s Intercept article

After Tana Ganeva’s article dropped about Michael “Meeko” Thompson, it has gone viral on twitter, thanks to Shaun King, Ava DuVernay, and many more…an attorney has been assigned to help Meeko file for clemency in the state of Michigan.

MICHAEL … Read the rest

America’s Voice News covers the First Step Act

America’s Voice News interviewed Amy Ralston Povah, Angela Stanton King and Topeka Sam about the First Step Act and the long road ahead for criminal justice reform. Watch the interview on American Voice News

The bill known as the First … Read the rest

NBC interviews Robert Shipp’s sister, Veda to discuss the First Step Act

When NBC called CAN-DO seeking names of people who would benefit from the First Step Act, CAN-DO President Amy Ralston Povah had just the right person – Robert Shipp.  NBC wanted to film family members of incarcerated people who … Read the rest

Charles “Duke” Tanner in Chicago Tribune

Charles “Duke” Tanner is an extraordinary case of an undefeated boxer from Gary, Indiana.  He’s a first offender serving a 30-year sentence, reduced from LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE.  He is on the CAN-DO Top 25 Men deserving of clemency and is … Read the rest

Clemency: The criminal justice reform Trump can achieve without Congress

President Trump unveiled one of his top legislative priorities before Democrats take over the House of Representatives: passage of the First Step Act, which would reduce some prison sentences. Though he still must win a tug-of-war within the Republican … Read the rest

Three CAN-DO members featured in Washington Examiner seeking clemency

CAN-DO was asked to obtain quotes from several of our clemency candidates.  Fortunately, we were able to get quotes from Michael Pelletier, Chad Marks and David Barren for the following article by Steven Nelson for Washington Examiner.

When President … Read the rest

CAN-DO’s Amy Ralston Povah quoted on prison reform and clemency in Washington Examiner

CAN-DO members Michael Montalvo and Lavonne Roach quoted in the Washington Examiner… 

“Last month, clemency advocates including Amy Povah of CAN-DO Clemency and Alveda King, the anti-abortion evangelical leader, hosted a panel at a Women for Trump event at Trump … Read the rest

CAN-DO President Amy Ralston Povah in Episode 1 Podcast: Love vs DEA

Emanuel Sferios (Founder of Dance Safe) and co-host Tatiana Makovkin have kicked off a “risk reduction and benefit enhancement podcast reducing shame and stigma to save lives and end the drug war.”

For their first podcast, they interviewed Amy Ralston … Read the rest

Amy Povah in Salon: “Is there hope…”

Back in the late ’80s, a few years into her marriage to her now ex-husband, Povah discovered that he had been involved in an international ecstasy business. He asked her to handle some “financial matters” for him while he was … Read the rest

Yahoo News focuses on 3 CAN-DO clemency candidates

When Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old grandmother serving life in prison for drug trafficking, was granted clemency by President Trump on June 6, a phone call went out from the White House counsel’s office — the administration wanted more people … Read the rest

CAN-DO in USA Today – Alice Johnson’s Clemency

CAN-DO quoted in USA Today, per Gregory Korte on the freedom of Alice Johnson:  Watch video and read the story here
The Can-Do Foundation, which advocates shorter sentences for non-violent drug offenders, put Johnson at the top of its … Read the rest

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