CAN-DO Front Page News Announcements.

National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls host Grassroots Rally in DC for Clemency

“To Be Free Is to Free Others”: Formerly Incarcerated Women Urge Decarceration

The fight to free women and end mass incarceration is long and ongoing, but these activists aren’t giving up.
By Published: 

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The Case for Second Chances – Sept 22, 2023: Office of the Pardon Attorney, Dept of Justice

CAN-DO Foundation President Amy Ralston Povah is honored to speak at an event entitled The Case For Second Chances.  Although the event is not open to the pubic, it will be live screened at this link on Sept 22, 2023 … Read the rest

Pardon Attorney, Liz Oyer hosts Second Chance Month event in DC – April 21, 2023.

For Second Chance month, Liz Oyer hosted an event in DC and brought together many former clemency recipients.  Three former clemency recipients were asked to share their stories, which included Norman Brown accompanied by his attorney, Danielle Metz accompanied by … Read the rest

Earlie Deacon Barber – Clemency Granted from a LIFE Sentence for a Drug Conspiracy


Huge congrats to Ms Yanes, his attorney, Adrianne Miller who begged me to take his case when I wasn’t taking anymore … Read the rest

CAN-DO and Rachel Hanson in Wall Street Journal on Biden’s clemency spree

WASHINGTON—President Biden on Tuesday granted his first pardons and commutations to 78     people convicted mostly of nonviolent drug offenses, part of a broader White House effort to address inequities in … Read the rest

CAN-DO pot prisoners in New York Post for 420


Huge thanks to Steven Nelson who quoted many of our pot prisoners in the following article, including, Pedro Moreno, Luke Scarmazzo, Donald Fugitt, Lance Gloor, and Michael Pelletier

WASHINGTON — On the eve of the 4/20 cannabis holiday, federal … Read the rest

Clemency for 75 individuals + 3 Pardons from President Joe Biden

Today, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is granting clemency to 78 individuals, consisting of three pardons and 75 commutations.

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is pardoning the following three individuals:

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Sherry Walter – 20 years for Drug Conspiracy

Name : Sherry Ann Walter 
DOB:  7-24-1972
Race: White  
Age:  51
Children:  3
Grandchildren: 2
Raised:   Texas
State Indicted:  Texas 
Pled:  Guilty
Charges: Conspiracy with Intent to Distribute 
Sentence:  20 years
Served: 8 … Read the rest

Joanne Tragas – Serving 16 years for Nonviolent Offense – NOW FREE!


Joanne is now out but needs help. Please consider giving to her Gofundme campaign so she can afford to pay for an apartment during this transition time:

Name: Joanne Tragas #51090-018
DOB: March 24
Race: White
Age: 54
Children: 1… Read the rest

NBC covers CARES Act cases and Clemency

Brian Foster was released from prison nearly a year ago under the CARES Act, a government policy that prioritized the use of home

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Politico Breaks Story about Biden’s CARES Act Clemency Effort




The Biden administration has begun asking former inmates confined at home because of the pandemic to formally submit commutation applications, criminal justice reform advocates and one inmate herself tell POLITICO.… Read the rest

High Times focuses on Pot Lifer Ismael Lira

Most Affected: Ismael Lira’s Family Torn Apart as a Cannabis Lifer

This edition of Most Affected focuses on Ismael Lira, whose family was torn apart by the war on drugs. Here is his tragic story.

Ismael Lira grew up in

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CAN-DO President Amy Ralston Povah on Rev Al Sharpton’s Politics Nation about CARES Act

Link below to an interview between Rev Al Sharpton and Amy Ralston Povah discussing the current state of affairs regarding the CARES Act and why the criminal justice reform community is up in arms about CARES Act prisoners left in … Read the rest

New York Post references three CAN-DO cases: “Biden ‘exploring’ clemency for federal drug crimes”


Biden ‘exploring’ clemency for federal drug crimes, Psaki says

WASHINGTON — President Biden is “exploring” the idea of granting clemency to people who are serving federal prison sentences for drug crimes, White House … Read the rest

Intercept focuses on marijuana offenders – Diana Marquez and Raquel Esquivel

DIANA MARQUEZ HAS spent the last 14 months going on long walks, hitting the treadmill, and cooking with her daughter. She’s gotten to know her grandson, a fourth grader, helping him with his math homework. She has also lived with

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