
National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls host Grassroots Rally in DC for Clemency

“To Be Free Is to Free Others”: Formerly Incarcerated Women Urge Decarceration

The fight to free women and end mass incarceration is long and ongoing, but these activists aren’t giving up.
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Sherry Walter – 20 years for Drug Conspiracy

Name : Sherry Ann Walter 
DOB:  7-24-1972
Race: White  
Age:  51
Children:  3
Grandchildren: 2
Raised:   Texas
State Indicted:  Texas 
Pled:  Guilty
Charges: Conspiracy with Intent to Distribute 
Sentence:  20 years
Served: 8 … Read the rest

Lavonne Roach – 30 Years – CLEMENCY GRANTED 1/20/21

Congratulations to Lavonne Roach who is NOW FREE!  We met up in Las Vegas for a huge hug and to celebrate with her amazing daughter Clarissa who worked hard to help bring her mother home.


Lavonne Roach 10431-073
Age: 56… Read the rest

New York Post quotes several CAN-DO clemency candidates in annual Turkey pardon article by Steven Nelson

Trump will “pardon” gobblers named Corn and Cobin an annual tradition at the White House on Tuesday, but in a potential twist, allies and reform advocates are anticipating more serious reprieves in the coming weeks.

“President Trump has … Read the rest

Karan Denise Daniel is NOW FREE thanks to 2 point reduction.




Karan Denise Daniel

Age: 46 yrs old
Birthdate: 10/28/67
Children: 1 daughter
Race: White
Charge: Conspiracy to Distribute Meth
Sentence: 17.5 years
Sentenced: 2002
Served: 12 years
Release Date: 10/16/2017
Priors: None (First Time Offender)
Prison Conduct: Perfect … Read the rest

Santa Chiappetta – Free


Santa Chiappetta

Santa’s early background and experience as Regional Sales Manager of Andiamo Luggage and then Vice President for a major sports bag company provided the experience she needed to start a successful trademark company that she worked hard for … Read the rest

Shirley Womble – Free


Shirley Womble

Shirley Womble is serving a 25 year sentence for “Conspiracy to Distribute Marijuana,” although she never sold or distributed the drug. Shirley’s husband, Willard, engaged in the sell of marijuana. Several arguments occurred due to his decision to … Read the rest

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