Month: July 2016

Roberta Bell – 1st Time Offender – Serving LIFE

Roberta only

Please sign Roberta Bell’s petition

Name: Roberta Ronique Bell #08116-067
DOB: 1971
Race: Black
Age: 53
Children: Three children – 2 girls and boy. Ashley, Gerrid, and Jazzmin
Two granddaughters – Riley and Riyan
State from: Born in … Read the rest

Lazara Ordaz – Serving 35 years

Name: Lazara Ordaz #52247-066
DOB: December 17
Marital Status: Single
Age: 65
Children: One daughter
Resident state: Florida
State charged: Philadelphia
Will live: Philadelphia
Charges: Conspiracy to Distribute More than 3 Kilos of controlled substance (cocaine) Use of … Read the rest

LaShonda Hall – 45 years – NOW FREE!

LaShonda Hall walked out of prison on Tuesday, April 12th, 2022!
She is now home with her family and her battle to overcome a draconian sentence is over!
Huge thank you to MiAngel Cody who is LaShonda Hall’s attorney and … Read the rest

Eva Palma Atencio – 1st Offender – LIFE is NOW FREE

Eva Josie

Congratulations to Eva Palma Atencio and her family. She has finally received relief that is long overdue!  We will be adding more info after she gets through the immigration process.

Please Sign Eva’s petition
Name: Eva Atencio Palma … Read the rest

David Barren – Life reduced to 30 years – Clemency Granted – TWICE!!! This time it’s time served!


Please sign David Barren’s petition and share with your network.  Help us bring David home to his family.
David Barren’s sentence was commuted from LIFE to 30 years. This is shocking because so many men with multiple prior convictions … Read the rest

Ferrell Scott – LIFE for marijuana – Clemency Granted on 1/20/21

Washington Post covers the story of Ferrell Scott’s shocking clemency denial!

Ferrell Scott in Raw Story







Name: Ferrell Damon Scott #27797177
DOB: January 2nd, 1963
Race: Black
Marital Status: Single
Children: Skyler Scott, Serrell Scott, … Read the rest

CAN-DO Founder Amy Povah in The Hill Pushing CJ Reform

CAN-DO Founder Amy Povah is taking on Senator Tom Cotton because he’s holding up a bipartisan bill for criminal justice reform entitled The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015.  Senator Cotton is from Amy’s home state of Arkansas … Read the rest

Mary Ziman in Truthout: The Need for Compassionate Release – TWO PART SERIES

Victoria Law has written yet another compelling piece on the many negative aspects of mass incarceration.  Aging, Sick and Incarcerated: The Need for Compassionate Release



The CAN-DO Foundation provided Truthout with a few cases of women who are seeking … Read the rest

Alaine Lowell – Senior Vice President

alaine lowellAlaine Lowell became interested in drug policy in the early ’90s while working on a documentary about the history of marijuana in the U.S. She later wrote and directed, Grow Dutch, a documentary about marijuana in the Netherlands.

In 2010, … Read the rest

Anrica Caldwell – Vice President

Anrica CaldwellAnrica Caldwell was born in Los Angeles, California. She moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1988 and has been a resident for 30 yrs. Anrica finished high school and college in Pittsburgh and has been an educator for the Pittsburgh Public … Read the rest

Cheryl Ward – Secretary

Cheryl Ward is a Californian native who was incarcerated in the Federal Bureau of Prisons for 17 years, 6 months, 13 days and 1 hour from the time of her arrest in August of 1995. Upon her release in February … Read the rest

CAN-DO’s Founder, Amy Povah on Ed Kalegi’s America Weekend

On June 22, 2016, Ed Kalegi and Christina Stoffo interviewed CAN-DO President and Founder Amy Povah about her work with the CAN-DO Foundation; the clemency project and our marijuana laws. Click the links below to listen or download the interview.… Read the rest

Amy Povah on Mark Thompson’s “The Edge” I-heart radio show

The Edge starts with a 10 minute blast of politics from political analyst and journalist Michael Shure talking with well known news caster and radio personality, Mark Thompson; a daily voice in Los Angeles on the most listened to talk … Read the rest

Solidarity of NGOs in Open Letter to President Obama

The CAN-DO Foundation joined 135  Non-profit, Non-Governmental Organizations that signed a letter to President Obama seeking his support for a new approach to the war on drugs.


Dear Mr. President:

In April, the United Nations will hold a “General

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What Constitutes a Federal Drug Conspiracy?

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Who Can Be Charged? – Anyone who has any type of agreement or knowledge in connection to others who have the intent to commit drug law violations, (whether or not the accused ever participated in the act) can be … Read the rest

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