Month: June 2018

Catina Scales and Topeka Sam on MSNBC mention CAN-DO RE: Alice Johnson

Catina Scales (daughter of Alice Johnson and friend of CAN-DO President Amy Povah) and colleague Topeka Sam were interviewed on MSNBC about Alice Johnson’s clemency, granted by President Trump on June 6 2018.

Topeka Sam does a great job explaining … Read the rest

CAN-DO Foundation communicates directly with every prisoner on our site

Since 2000, Amy Ralston Povah, president and Founder of CAN-DO Foundation has advocated on behalf of others seeking justice through clemency.  The CAN-DO Foundation website does not collect or compile the information on this site by surfing the internet.  We … Read the rest

Alice Johnson and CAN-DO in KOMO News

Amy Povah conducted a radio interview with KOMO news the day Alice Johnson was set free.  We have nothing but positive things to say about Kim Kardashian’s involvement, even though the media wants to question this method.  She carried Alice … Read the rest

Fox 11 News Interviews Amy Povah the day Alice Johnson was set free

Morning of June 6, 2018, CAN-DO President, Amy Povah said her phone was blowing up with text messages to “turn on CNN.”  The night before Amy had communicated with Alice that her release was imminent; even likely it would happen … Read the rest

Barbara Sue Culberson – 31 years – First Offender is NOW FREE!

Congratulations to Barbara who was released on Sept 20, 2019
Barbara Sue Culberson #48346-019
DOB:  10/24/41
Race: White
Marital Status:  Married to Ricky Wade (who is incarcerated in Talladega, AL)
Age: 76
Children:  Four living children; one deceased
Grandchildren:Read the rest

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