Month: June 2015

Michael Pelletier – Life for Pot – CLEMENCY GRANTED 1/20/21

What an honor to meet Michael in person on the 420 Fishing trip that in Florida sponsored by Stacey Theis, Robert Platshorn, Freedom Grow Forever, CAN-DO, Life for Pot,  and many others.  We will soon be adding an entire page … Read the rest

Michael Pelletier – Serving Life for Pot

Michael Pelletier

At the CAN-DO Foundation, we like to help the public get to know the prisoners we advocate for on a personal level, so this month we’d like to introduce you to a remarkable man, Michael Pelletier.  A wheelchair … Read the rest

Prison Art — Oil Paintings by Michael Pelletier – Life for Pot

Inmate Michael Pelletier, a paraplegic since the age of 11, serving a sentence of LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE for a nonviolent, victimless marijuana conspiracy offense, is almost a very talented artist.  These are some of Michael’s prison art oil paintings … Read the rest

Chris Williams – 5 years State Sanctioned Medical Marijuana

Christopher Wayne Williams #11839-046
Offense:  Distribution of cannabis; Possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug crime
Sentence: 60 months
Incarcerated Since: 2008
Priors: level 1 misdemeanors
Date of Birth: 6/8/1974
Family: 1 son
Forfeitures: Cash and possessions
Did Read the rest

Justice Denied: Paul Free’s Two-Decade Plus Quest for Freedom


The ruling might as well have said “Justice Denied.”

Paul Free, serving a sentence of life without parole for a nonviolent marijuana conspiracy offense he says he can prove he did not commit, is used to such … Read the rest

Therese Crepeau is FREE at LAST – Thanks to Drugs Minus Two!

CAN-DO NEWS – 2 Point Reduction In Action – Congrats to Therese Crepeau!

Congratulations to Therese Crepeau, who walked out of prison today after serving 21 years on a 26 year sentence thanks to the  new 2 Point Reduction program..  … Read the rest

Mary Ritcherson – After 30 YEARS – FREE AT LAST!

Formerly #11 on CAN-DO’s Top 25 List of Women Who Deserve Clemency 

mary_ritcherson_clemency_lgCONGRATULATIONS TO MARY – who walked out of prison on June 23rd after serving all of a very harsh 30-year sentence. Mary was given a bus ticket and … Read the rest

Elizabeth “Beth” Cronan – 28 Years – Receives 2 Point Reduction!

beth_cronan_clemency_lgCongratulations to Beth Cronan #14 on the Top 25.  Beth’s mother, Jeanne, wrote to CAN-DO’s Amy Povah, to say she is beside herself with joy.  Her dream to hold Beth in her arms again will finally come true.

The 2 … Read the rest

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