Month: May 2018

Ismael Lira – Life for pot

Please sign Ismael Lira’s petition

Name: Ismael Lira #45946-180
Age: 44
Race: American. Mom Was Born in Del Rio, Dad in Mexico.
Raised: Texas
Tried: Texas
Will live: Del Rio
Charged: Conspiracy
Sentence: Life without parole
Sentenced on: October … Read the rest

CANDO goes to the White House, quoted in the Washington Examiner

CANDO president Amy Povah attended the White House Summit on prison reform as mentioned in the Washington Examiner:   Read the entire story here.

Amy Povah, founder of the CAN-DO Foundation, said that she left the White House optimistic about … Read the rest

CANDO participated in White House work shop on women’s issues

CAN-DO President, Amy Povah was invited to the White House Summit on prison reform and asked to share her hard-earned knowledge about Women’s Issues related to incarceration.  CAN-DO supports the First Step Act and is working hard to garner support … Read the rest

CAN-DO’s official statement regarding BOP Book memo

The CAN-DO Foundation has been notified (May 3) that the BOP has finally issued a statement regarding the BOP Book policy which will be suspended.  We are not convinced it has been “cancelled” so we wait to see what the … Read the rest

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