Month: December 2015

7 CAN-DO Members Receive Clemency 12/18/2015





Five CAN-DO members on our website and three members not on the site received clemency on 12/18/2015.  We are elated for them and their families who can now start the healing process to overcome the suffering … Read the rest

CAN-DO’s Ramona Brant in Fusion is now free!

Ramona Brant is the centerpiece of an excellent article in Fusion.  She embodies how brutal our current criminal justice system exploits women who are already victims of domestic abuse by tossing them into a conspiracy indictment that will hold a … Read the rest

2015 CAN-DO Awards for Extraordinary Advocacy Focused On Ending the Drug War/Mass Incarceration


Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Nora Callahan Founder of November Coalition for her selfless devotion to POWs throughout the 90s to present day.  Nora was motivated to start a prison … Read the rest

Charles “Eddy” Lepp – 10 years for pot – NOW FREE!

eddyleppEddy was #15 on the Top 25 is now free and engaged to marry his true love, Heidi Grossman. Congratulations to the happy and lucky couple!

Name: Charles “Eddy” Lepp  #90157-011
Age: 63
Charge: Conspiracy to Manufacture Marijuana
Sentence: 10 … Read the rest

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