Name: Gabriel David Gomez #21786-051
DOB: 5/31/77
Age: 44
Race: White/Hispanic
Raised: State of New Mexico
Will live: Albuquerque, New Mexico with family
Charges: 21 U.S.C. sec. 846; 21 U.S.C. sec. 841(b)(1)(A) & 841(a)(1)(Conspiracy to Distribute a 1000 kilos or more of marijuana); & 18 U.S.C. sec. 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) & 18 U.S.C. sec. 1957(money laundering counts—casino money laundering).
Length of Sentence: 30 years
Sentenced on: 5/19/05
Served: 17 years
Arrested/detained since: March 27, 2003
Priors: State of New Mexico, Case No. 99-03843 (Racketeering(charge stemming from exclusively marijuana trafficking, Case No. 99-02735(Possession with Intent to Distribute(Marijuana).
Clemency Status: Denied
Accomplishments: US Conflicts class start: 4/26/2018 to 7/9/2018
Anthropology class start: 4/26/2018 to 7/9/2018
Library clerk training start: 5/11/2018 to 5/11/2018
Infectious disease prevention start: 9/26/18/ to 9/26/18
RPP Orientation/Aids awareness 11/26/2012 to 11/26/2012
Incorporations 8/9/12 to 10/11/12
Political History 8/10/12 to 10/17/12
Victor Valley College ASE Transmission Overhaul 5/10/12 to 10/17/12
Spanish 5/24/12 to 7/26/12
Universe class 5/23/12 to 7/25/12
VT Servsafe 3/23/12 to 6/15/12
Philosophy 2/29/12 to 5/9/12
Audio Install 3/2/12 to 5/11/12
Victor Valley College ASE Brakes 2/2/12 to 5/10/12
Resume Writing class 12/8/11 to 2/6/12
Interview Skills 12/8/11 to 2/6/12
RPP Psych Anger Management 12/7/11 to 3/27/12
RPP Entrepreneurial Skills 12/16/11 to 1/6/12
RPP Employment Skills 12/9/11 to 12/9/11
Stop Recidivism 8/29/11 to 11/21/11
Leadership Challenge 9/1/11 to 11/17/11
Human Rights 8/31/11 to 9/21/11
The Way to Happiness 6/13/11 to 8/15/11
Victor Valley College ASE Standard Transmissions 3/23/11 to 8/4/11
Literature 3/28/11 to 5/30/11
Beginners Spanish Guitar Class 2/5/11 to 3/27/11
Victor Valley College Auto Engine Rebuild 10/6/10 to 3/18/11
Victor Valley College ASE Automatic Engine Performance 5/24/10 to 9/15/10
Organizing for Success 5/28/10 to 6/18/10
Business Math 4/9/10 to 6/10/10
Drug Free Live Free 5/15/10 to 6/25/10
Real Estate 4/9/10 to 6/18/10
Philosophy of Scientology 4/8/10 to 6/10/10
Human Rights 5/5/10 to 6/16/10
Commercial Drivers License 4/7/10 to 6/9/10
Advanced Drawing 11/3/08 to 1/9/09
Computers/Technology Course 2/20/08 to 4/23/08
Pueblo Community College Business Technologies Courses 12/5/06 to 9/26/07(received 4.0 GPA and
Student of the Year recognition).
Microsoft Office 2000(Word, Excel, & Power Point(was also a Microsoft tutor for a period of time) 2/6/06 to 11/01/06
Parenting 7/27/06 to 9/29/06
Conversational Spanish 8/7/06 to 9/21/06
Commercial Drivers License 8/9/06 to 9/9/06
Advanced Accounting 7/6/06 to 9/14/06
Real Estate 5/10/06 to 8/15/06
Accounting 2/28/06 to 5/16/06
Small Business Start Up 2/6/06 to 5/1/06
Banking/Money Smart 2/2/06 to 3/30/06
Computer Keyboarding 11/7/05 to 11/23/05
Also Earned my GED while incarcerated in 2005. Was in the top 10% of highest scores for GED in country at time.
According to Gabriel: (under construction)