Dr. Johnny Trotter – First Offender – 15 years

 Name: Johnny Ray Trotter
DOB:  June 18, 1975
Age: 45
Race: African American
Raised: Bloomfield, Michigan
Will live: Bloomfield, Michigan
Indicted: May 8, 2014 in the Eastern District of Michigan
Trial or plea: Went to trial
Charge: Count 1 Health Care Fraud Conspiracy 18:13
Count 2-4 Health Care Fraud 18:1347
Sentence: 15 years 
Sentenced on:  November 8, 2017
Served: 7 years
Priors: First Time Offender
Prison Conduct: Exemplary – saved two lives due to his medical background – see petition
Release date: August 18, 2030
Clemency status: Pending 
Supporters: Keisha Brown from Gifts beyond the Wall, Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams M.D.. Dr. Jeffery Clark M.D. Chairman of the National Medical Association, Dr. Lonnie Joe M.D. Chairman of the Detroit Medical Society, Dr. Ken Harris Ph.D. President for the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Amy Povah from the CAN-DO Foundation, Reverend Charles Christian Adams 
Institution: FCI Elkton P.O. Box 10 Lisbon, Ohio 44432
Extraordinary circumstances: Passed a polygraph that he did not knowingly and willingly break the law because he inherited his father’s medical practice and did not handle billing.  But, he has taken full responsibility and expressed great remorse for not taking measures to ensure there would be no errors regarding billing. 

Back Story:
Dr. Johnny Trotter was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan June 18, 1975 to Drs. Johnny and  Nadine Trotter. He was the eldest of four children. By the age of 5, Johnny was inspired  by his father, Dr. Johnny Trotter, M.D. and his two uncles who were also Physicians to  become a doctor. During the time of his youth, Johnny accelerated in the sports of  soccer, basketball and track and received the Most Valuable Player Award in track and  many other awards throughout grade school and high school. Johnny attended Howard  University on a 4 years Academic Scholarship which he graduated with honors. He then  went on to George Washington Medical School and did his residency in general surgery.  During his medical education, Johnny conducted multiple research projects with the  National Institute of Health and was selected to assist with NIH research projects such as  kidney failure research at Cornell University School of Medicine in New York, Diabetes  research at Howard University in Washington D.C., cancer research and prevention at the  Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.  

Trotter family

When Dr. Trotter’s father passed at an early age of 57, Dr. Trotter stepped in to take over  his medical practice. His father had a small Family Practice which did not have many  Medicare patients and provided general care for his patients. When Dr. Trotter took over  the practice with his general surgery credential, he expanded the practice and created  several Multi-specialists’ practices hiring many doctors. It dealt with a wide spectrum of  diseases and illnesses including pain management, nerve blocks, and physical medicine  rehabilitation.  

When Medicare conducted a computer algorithm to compare the revenue of Family  Practices in the city of Detroit, the revenues of Dr. Trotter’s practices were high due to his  Family Practices not being a traditional Family Practice like his father’s but provided  multiple services. Due to the higher revenue, Dr. Trotter was placed on Medicare  Prepayment review.  

Through countless efforts to resolve this situation, Dr. Trotter hired Health Care lawyers to  contact Medicare. Due to Dr. Trotter not receiving any payments from Medicare for  services rendered from April 2009 -May 2014, his Health Care lawyers told him to sell his  practice to another Physician and operate a Non-Medical Management Company. A legal  opinion letter in compliance with the Social Security Act USC 42 1395nn was given to  him. A few years later Medicare stated that the Management Company that my lawyers  created for me circumvented their Medical Prepayment Review Program. I was  subsequently indicted on Health Care Fraud. 

Still Dr. Trotter is extremely remorseful for any oversights caused by his lack of attention to a medical practice he inherited and worked hard to oversee in his father’s absence.

Sentence Imposed : Dr. Trotter was convicted in Case no. 14-20273 on April 28, 2017  following 14 half days of trial. Dr. Trotter was convicted of conspiracy to commit health  care fraud and three counts of health care fraud for nerve block injections.

Release planMr. Trotter has a verifiable re-entry plan. He will be staying with his mother, Nadine Trotter who is a well-respected retired educator. He would like to assist in the community in any way he can with his medical background. He is willing to serve on the front line in assisting people with the Covid 19 virus.  It’s his hope that he will be allowed to continue to work in the medical profession especially to assist with patients suffering from COVID-19 related symptoms. He regrets all the hurt he has caused his son and the family and will make amends with everyone. He is also willing to serve in any community in the United States that needs assistance.

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