44 CAN-DO women have joined a very small and distinguished group of women who have received Executive Clemency. Sadly, only 105 women have received clemency, to date, by President Obama out of 1715 commutations. Obviously, it is still a man’s world.
We have identified several women who deserve a reconsideration who are featured in this video produced by Harm Reduction Productions for the CAN-DO Foundation and the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls
Lets #FREEHER by supporting clemency for more women!
Names in red are CAN-DO members.
1. Jasmine Allen 05/05/2016 Florida Conspiracy to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine
2. Sandra Avery 12/18/2015 Florida Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 50 grams of cocaine
3. Shauna Barry-Scott 07/13/2015 Ohio Possession with intent to distribute cocaine base
4. Pauline Blake 08/03/2016 Utah Conspiracy or attempt to manufacture methamphetamine, establishment of manufacture operation
5. Deborah Blue 08/03/2016 Tennessee Distribution of cocaine, possession with the intent to distribute, supervised release violation
6. Ramona Brant 12/18/2015 North Carolina Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine
7. Carmel Bretous 03/30/2016 Florida Conspiracy to import at least five kilograms cocaine, importation of five kilograms of cocaine
8. Debra Brown 08/03/2016 Tennessee Distribution of 50 grams or more of cocaine to a person under 21
9. Theresa Brown 03/31/2015 Florida Conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine
10.Carlolyn Butler 12/18/2015 Texas, Armed bank robbery
11.Annette Canania 08/03/2016 Missouri Conspiracy to possess pseudoephedrine knowing it would be used to manufacture methamphetamine,
12.Dianne Denmar 12/18/2015 Georgia Conspiracy to distribute in excess of 100 grams of methamphetamine,
13.Stephanie George 12/19/2013 Florida Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine
14.Helen Gray 12/19/2013 Georgia Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine base. Possession of a firearm by a felon
15.Teresa Griffin 06/03/2016 Oklahoma Conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute cocaine
16.Donella Harriel 08/03/2016 Carolina Conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine.
17.Lisa Harris 12/18/2015 Florida; Possession with intent to distribute fifty or more grams of cocaine
18.Carla Holte 05/05/2016 Florida; Conspiracy to distribute 50 grams or more cocaine,
19.Gloria James 12/18/2015 Iowa Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine
20.Angie Jenkins 12/18/2015 Oregon Conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine
21.Eugenia Jennings 11/21/2011 Southern Illinois Distribution of cocaine
22.Cathy Jones 12/17/2014 Virginia Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and heroin
23.Sharanda Jones 12/18/2015 Northern Texas Conspiracy to distribute cocaine
24.Charceil Kellam 08/02/2016 Virginia Conspiracy to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine base,
25.Tomma Jean Kent 05/05/2016 Iowa Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine
26.Angela LaPlatney 03/30/2016 Wyoming Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine, concealing a person from arrest
27. Josephine Ledezma 08/03/2016 Tennessee Conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute a Schedule II controlled substance (cocaine) LIFE
28.Reba McIntyre 08/03/2016 Eastern Missouri Possession with intent to distribute five or more grams of cocaine
29.Danielle Metz 08/30/2016 Louisiana Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine, criminal enterprise,
30.Michelle Miles 05/05/2016 New York Conspiracy to distribute heroin and cocaine
31.Lucille Morse 08/03/2016 Montana Distribution/possession with the intent to distribute heroin
32.Lynette Owens 12/18/2015 Florida Possession with intent to distribute 5 or more grams of cocaine base
33.Cintheia Parra 05/05/2016 Mississippi Possess with intent to distribute in excess of 500 grams of methamphetamine
34.Raenna Paxton 08/30/2016 Iowa Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine
35.Tracy Petty 03/31/2015 North Carolina Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine
36.Sharon Price 08/03/2016 Texas Conspiracy to commit money laundering
37.Jennifer Regenos 12/17/2014 Iowa Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine
38. Carol Richardson 03/30/2016 Texas Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine base
39.Melissa Ross 03/30/2016 Florida Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 5 kilograms or more of cocaine
40. Barbra Scrivner 12/17/2014 Oregon Conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine
41.Robin Shoulders 03/30/2016 Kentucky Possess with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine
42.Katina Smith 07/13/2015 Georgia Conspiracy to distribute cocaine
43.Billie Taylor 12/18/2015 Texas Conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine
44.Minnie Thomas 08/03/2016 Georgia Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine
45.Graciella Urbina 05/05/2016 Florida/Southern NY Conspiracy to import cocaine, conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute narcotics
46.Gracie Walker 08/30/2016 Texas; Conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance
47.Telisha Watkins 07/13/2015 North Carolina; Conspiracy to distribute cocaine
48.Kimberly Westmoreland 07/13/2015 Ohio; Conspiracy to distribute in excess of 50 grams of cocaine, carrying a firearm in relation to drug trafficking; Prison sentence commuted to expire on November 10, 2015, with five-year term of supervised release
49.Monica White 12/18/2015 Iowa; Conspiracy to distribute cocaine; Sentenced to Life; Prison sentence to expire on April 16, 2016, leaving intact and in effect the 10-year term of supervised release
50.Patricia Widener 08/03/2016 Viginia Conspiracy to manufacture 500 grams or more of methamphetamine
51.Karen Witherspoon 08/03/2016 North Carolina Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine
52. Leticia Garcia, 10/06/2016 Illinois; July 18, 2008 Conspiracy to distribute heroin; possession with intent to distribute heroin
53.Maria Marino 10/06/2016 Iowa; February 29, 2008 Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine
54. Arlana Moore 10/06/2016 Texas; August 25, 2010 Conspiracy to manufacture 50 grams or more of actual methamphetamine and possession of pseudoephedrine list I chemicals with intent to manufacture methamphetamine
55. Olynthia Hinton 10/27/2016 South Carolina; February 15, 2006 Possession with intent to distribute a quantity of cocaine and 50 grams or more of cocaine base; 240 months’ imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release; Prison sentence commuted to expire on February 24, 2017.
56. Alicia Siller 10/27/2016 Texas Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute more than 500 grams of methamphetamine and aiding and abetting; 262 months’ imprisonment; six years’ supervised release; Prison sentence commuted to expire on October 27, 2018, conditioned upon enrollment in residential drug treatment.
57. Reisa Pettiette; 10/27/2016; Texas Conspiracy to manufacture, distribute and possess with intent to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine; conspiracy to possess a listed chemical knowing it will be used to manufacture a controlled substance; 240 months’ imprisonment; five years’ supervised release; Prison sentence commuted to expire on February 24, 2017.
November 9th, 2016
58. Mandy Martinson; FCI Waseca;
59. Monica Lorraine Amaker, FCI Waseca,
60. Zoann Brown, FCI Phoenix,
61.Bessie Pittman, FCI Coleman and
62. Kelly Winkenhofer, FCI Marianna
November 22, 2016
63. Lisa Woods Ball; age 49 FMC Lexington; Virginia; March 3, 2009, Conspiracy to distribute more than 500 grams of methamphetamine; 240 months’ imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release
64. Donna McDaniel; age 60, FMC Carswell; Texas; September 27, 1996; Distribution of 219.6 grams of methamphetamine; five years’ supervised release; served 20 years on a 30 yr sentence.
65. Cathy Neal, age 45, FPC Bryan
66. Cynthia Shank; age 43, RRM Nashville;
67. Deborah Theeler, age 57, FPC Bryan; Iowa; Sentenced Sept 18, 2007; Conspiracy to distribute 500 grams or more of methamphetamine mixture and 50 grams or more of actual (pure) methamphetamine following two prior felony convictions; prison sentence commuted to expire on November 22, 2018, conditioned upon enrollment in residential drug treatment.
68. Tammie Francis; age 54, FCI Tallahassee, Missouri; June 28, 1996, served 21 years on a LIFE sentence; Possession with intent to distribute 500 grams or more of crack cocaine.
69. Cheryl Howard; age 48; FMC Carswell, Florida, April 21, 1995, served 22 years on a LIFE sentence, Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine base; possession with intent to distribute cocaine base (two counts) Life imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release
70. Mary Beth Looney; age 63 FMC Carswell, Texas, Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of methamphetamine; possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance and aiding and abetting; possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime and aiding and abetting (two counts) 548 months’ imprisonment; five years’ supervised release (May 19, 2006)
71. Schearean Means; FCI Aliceville, Alabama; May 29, 1996, Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute a controlled substance; possession with intent to distribute cocaine, crack cocaine, and marijuana; served 21 years on a LIFE sentence; Life imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release; $5,000 fine
72. Sheila Neal; FPC Alderson; North Carolina; June 4 2010 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine base and cocaine hydrochloride; 120 months’ imprisonment; five years’ supervised release
73. Kari Parks FCI Tallahassee, Virginia, Sept 9, 2010. Conspiracy to distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine and oxycontin; 240 months’ imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release
74. Stacia Smith, FMC Lexington; Illinois; October 26, 2005; Narcotics conspiracy; use of a telephone in drug conspiracy (two counts); using/carrying a firearm in relation to a drug offense; 1st offender served 12 1/2 years on 21 year sentence. 252 months’ imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release
75. Melissa Sosa FMC Carswell; Texas; August 5, 2010; Conspiracy to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute over five kilograms of cocaine; 240 months’ imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release
Clemencies for Jan 17, 2016 under construction:
76. Latasha Butler, age 39, FCI Hazelton
77. Iris Davila, age 55, FCI Tallahassee
78. Robin Marie Davis, age 59, FMC Lexington
79. Emma Harmon, age 63, FCI Tallahassee Tampa, FL
Offense: Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine base (two counts); distribution of marijuana (two counts); distribution of cocaine base (two counts); convicted felon in possession of firearms; Middle District of Florida
Sentence: Life imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release (October 22, 2004)
80. Chelsea Manning, age 29, US Disciplinary Barracks, Ft. Leavenworth
81. Deneise Quintanilla, age 48, FMC Carswell Mesquite, TX
Offense: Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute methamphetamine; Southern District of Indiana
Sentence: Life imprisonment; 10 years’ supervised release (November 1, 2001) Commutation Grant: Prison sentence commuted to expire on May 17, 2017.
82. Kandis Shipman, age 41, FCI Aliceville
83. Yolanda Triana, age 55, FCI Victorville
84. Tressie Walker, age 71, FMC Carswell
The following women received clemency on 1/19/2017, as follows:
85. Terry Lynn Anderson, age 54, FMC Carswell
86. Connie Avalos, age 57, FCI Dublin
87. Tonya Barney, age 47, FCI Dublin
88. Carolyn Ann Bell, age 44, FPC Bryan
89. Elaine Beston, age 41, FCI Dublin
90. Pamela Brownlee, age 51, FCI Coleman Medium
91. Cassandra Collins, age 39, FMC Carswell
92. Maria Aide Delgado, age 51, FPC Bryan
93. Lourdes Duenas, age 49, FCI Dublin
94. Carla Grace Engler, age 57, FCI Waseca
95. Linda Finch, age 51, FCI Aliceville
96. Monica Haro, age 30, FPC Bryan
97. Crystal Mattern, age 40, FCI Waseca
98. Valencia Matthews, age 33, FCI Waseca
99. Kristi Miller, age 36, FCI Coleman Medium
100. Dottie Nixon, age 57, FPC Alderson
101. Hope Pinkerton, age 49, FMC Carswell
102. Kristen Reed, age 34, FMC Lexington
103. Helen Sanders, age 49, FCI Aliceville
104. Felicia Smith, age 34, FCI Aliceville
105. Teresa Smith, age 39, FMC Carswell
Check back – this is a work in progress – more info will be added soon.