Name: Terrance L. Cole, Reg. #04483-748
DOB: July 26
Race: Black
Raised: Pittsburgh, PA
Tried: Western District of Pennsylvania
Will live: Pittsburgh, PA
Charges: 21 USC 846 – Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute a substance containing cocaine; 18 USC 1956(h) – Conspiracy to commit money laundering.
Trial or plea: Not Guilty – Went to Trial.
Sentenced on: March 10, 2006
Served: 18 years
Priors: None – First Time Offender
Prison Conduct: Exemplary
Clemency status: Pending – C280888
Release date: When deceased
Institution: FCI Coleman – Medium
Supporters: Family, Friends, CAN-DO Foundation, BOP staff
Health issues: None
- Earned GED June 16, 2006
- Enrolled in many courses
According to Terrance: I am a nonviolent first-time drug offender currently serving LIFE for conspiracy. While selling drugs I never placed any credence on the fact that I may miss life events and milestones of my children, my parents, particularly my daughter being a top line nurse. My milestones of my children, my parents, particularly my daughter being a top line nurse. My family is good about sending me photos of these events; but not being there brings great sadness and remorse in my heart. While photos & cards are nice, it can never fill the void left in my heart.
I can’t say enough how sorry I am, and I believe that I have shown that through my actions throughout my incarceration. I’ve worked a job; programmed; maintained clear conduct — all signs of a man who is working toward freedom, bettering himself, and being responsible for his actions. I am not looking to break the law ever again, as this mistake has truly made an impression, one of which I never want to revisit again.
Release plan: Housing-If released on clemency, Mr. Cole has a loving and caring family who are committed to assisting him in a successful reentry to society. He also has many friends in the community who plan to assist him as well. Mr. Cole would return to Pittsburgh to live with his sister. Employment-Mr. Cole plans on working for his cousin at his trucking company called Cole & Cole. This job commitment has been provided.