
CAN-DO Foundation has a Movement Page on Change.org!!!

The CAN-DO Foundation and Change.org have organized a massive clemency “movement” page, where many of our clemency applicants have an active petition on Change.org/clemency.  This has been an invaluable tool for anyone seeking support for a pending clemency petition.  On August 3, 2016, President Obama granted an additional 214 clemencies.  67 were people serving life without parole.  CAN-DO was advocating for 13 people who received clemency and seven people were on our Top 25.  FIVE of those seven had change.org petitions.  Josephine Ledezma, Minnie Pearl Thomas, Charceil Kellam, Dicky Joe Jackson, and Antonio Lopez!  It’s a sign of progress but more needs to be done and you can help.  Josephine Ledezma is one of the success stories that we have been fighting for. Channel 7 and Fox 11 contacted CAN-DO after the news that Josie Ledezma received clemency and we’d like to share the fruits of a team effort by her family, especially Lizette Ledesma, advocates, including Jason Hernandez of Crack Open the Door and Tracey King.

We want to thank everyone who has already participated by signing a petition – we have over 1 and a half million signatures for existing clemency petitions!  If you have not visited the Movement page – please do and check out the many petitions that need more signatures.  It’s time to bring home these poor souls who have been locked up and severed from their families for decades.

Thank you for joining our movement.  Together, we can make a difference.  Together we CAN-DO this! Below are just a few petitions of individuals on our CAN-DO site – over 100 people have petitions for clemency on change.org

Amy Povah
CAN-DO Foundation

Alice Johnson serving Life

Alice Johnson serving Life

Luke Scarmazzo and Ricardo Montes's daughters seeking clemency for their dads

Luke Scarmazzo and Ricardo Montes’s daughters seeking clemency for their dads

Josephine Ledesma serving LIFE

Josephine Ledesma serving LIFE

Craig Cesal serving Life for Pot

Craig Cesal serving Life for Pot

To start a petition or view additional petitions go here

To start a petition or view additional petitions go here

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