Name: Andrew Wayne Landells, Reg. #68432-308.
DOB: February 4, 1967.
Race: Black.
Raised: Kingston, Jamaica.
Tried: Eastern District of North Carolina.
Will live: If not deported back to Jamaica, he will live with his wife in Florida.
Charges: Conspiracy to Launder Monetary Instruments; 18 USC 1956(h) & (a)(1)(B)(i).
Trial or plea: Plea.
Sentenced on: November 18, 2014.
Priors: Entering the US with false passport.
Prison Conduct: Exemplary.
Clemency status: Pending.
Release date: January 15, 2025.
Institution: FCI Edgefield-Medium, PO Box 725, Edgefield, SC 29824.
Supporters: Family, Friends, Karly Cramer, CAN-DO Foundation, Lisa Jacobi.
Health issues: None
Institution: FCI EDGEFIELD
P.O. BOX 725
- Many Courses Completed.
- Excellent Leather Work Skills.
According to Andrew: I have taken full responsibility for my poor actions and am truly sorry for ever taking such a path. I am not the person I was in 2012 when first arrested. I have grown mentally, aged physically & spiritually, and have caused too much hurt to myself, my children, my grandchildren, and my community. I’ve had a long time to reflect; yesterday is my past & that life is over. The person I am today does not have the mental capacity to ever do anything that is counterproductive to humanity or engage in anything illegal. I intend to use my rehabilitation in a positive light. In 1997/1998, I fled from Jamaica leaving behind my home and business. I had family members who had been murdered, a brother who fled and sought asylum in Germany due to the corrupt nature taking place in Jamaica. I stayed within the United States and created a business to support my family.
In 1999 I started investing in real estate and exotic car rentals in Miami. Business was good, until 9/11 happened and everyone stopped traveling. I tried to weather the storm while every other business around me was filing for bankruptcy. I was paying a big overhead out of pocket, and eventually became unable to continue. I then went into transporting marijuana and money laundering as I saw no other way to support my family. Times were hard.
Prior to my incarceration, I was researching, studying, and putting together the first fully automated candle factory on the east coast. The first for a minority of this level in the candle industry; this was accomplished by bringing together some of the best minds from around the world to see my vision and bring it to life. I was bringing something unique and special, and I still have my research data, formulas, the blueprint, and plan to bring this back to life, and even bigger if given the chance, upon my release from prison. My possibilities are endless as I am a man who can do and succeeds at anything I put my mind to. I’m always learning and constantly redefining myself and my character. If I am granted clemency, I promise that I will etch my mark in this world in a positive way. I have a loving and caring family who are supportive of my release and have been patiently waiting for my return.
Release plan: Housing: If released on clemency, Mr. Landells has a loving and caring family who are committed to assisting him in a successful reentry to society. Mr. Landells, if permitted to remain in the United States, would live with his wife Heather and their daughter son in Florida.
If Mr. Landells is deported, he would be living in Jamaica.
Employment: Mr. Landells will work at B.B.L. Fitness in Florida. Mr. Landells also has a job available to him with Richard Effs, Film Director, Producer & Actor with Access Films.
Medical: Mr. Landells states that he will be covered under his wife’s Insurance plan.
Church/Community: Mr. Landells states he will attend the church that his sister and her husband are Pastors at, and the church community alone will be a strong support system for his return, as they have been throughout his incarceration.