In 2007, Ferrell Scott was sentenced to life in prison, without parole, for possessing and conspiring to sell marijuana. Scott had no priors and has had perfect prison conduct. Yet when he appealed to President Obama for clemency, he was denied.
The father of three was beside himself when he received the news, said Amy Povah, Director of CAN-DO, a non-profit foundation that advocates for non-violent drug offenders and executive clemency.
Convinced it had to be a mistake, reported the Washington Post, Ferrell called family members and asked them to double check the Justice Department’s website, where the list of commutations denied by President Obama is long, long, long.
And Scott’s name is still on it.
“I’m going to be here for the rest of my life,” Scott told a family member. “I don’t know, man, I’m so depressed and shaken. I honestly thought I would get it.” Read the rest of the article…