Name: Kimberly Robinson, (Kim) #64902-019
DOB: 10/2/59
Age: 60
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Children: One son, one daughter
Grandchildren: One granddaughter
Grew Up In: Anderson, SC
Case based In/Tried: Knoxville, TN
Will Live Post-Release: Fairburn, GA
Charge(s): 1- 21 USC 846 and 841(a) (1) and 841 (b) (1) (A) : conspiracy to distribute five (5) kilograms or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of cocaine, a Schedule II controlled substance. 2- 18 USC 1956 (h) conspiracy to commit money laundering.
Sentence: 24 years, 4 months
Date Sentence Started: 4/10/14
Years Served: 6 years
Release Date: 6/20/2035
Prison Conduct: Model Inmate, no infractions.
Institution: FCI Coleman Medium Camp
P.O. Box 1027
Coleman, FL 33521
Clemency Application: Filed July 2018. (first petition filed April 2016; denied Nov. 2016)
Supporters: My children, family members, and a host of friends and church members. CAN-DO, and LOHM.
Medical Conditions: Diabetic, Chronic High Blood Pressure, Neuropathy.
Prison Accomplishments: Working for UNICOR as department lead. Head usher at church, taught the believer’s class.
Courses Completed: Completed over 48 courses while in prison, including the Dialysis Tech series, computer skills, money management, many on managing interpersonal relationships and personal understanding. Presently completing the Resolve Program.
According to Kim: I am in prison because I made poor choices of a relationship and was involved with delivering drugs. The man I was romantically involved with treated me poorly and even though I knew this man was doing wrong, I participated because of his influence and tried to cover up the crimes. I am deeply regretful and ashamed for my part in this crime. I blame no one for my mistakes but myself and I will spend the rest of my life making up for them.

Why Kim deserves clemency: I deserve clemency because I have radically changed my life for the better. I am a non-violent first-time offender and will be of no risk to the community due to the many changes in my thought process and genuine intentions for the rest of my life. My adult children support my plans and I have a restaurant job to work at upon returning home. I have learned why I made poor choices earlier and I know that I will not be using my old thought processes to make future choices. I have sincere remorse for my prior actions and will not repeat getting myself involved in illegal circumstances again. I deserve to receive clemency because I now know that I have a contribution to make to my family and my community to give back to them since the results of my prior bad actions robbed them of me and a stable relationship. I want to repair and restore my relationships with many people who still love and support me to this day. I intend and am committed to spend the rest of my days making a difference in the lives of others. Prison ministry is not out of the question for me to contribute to. There is a great need for that as I am presently mentoring several women here in prison.
Future Plans: I hope to be given the opportunity to mentor women of all ages to see that we are loved, and God is the way to self-love. He is what we need and he will give us the strength and peace to be productive women of God. Being in prison is like being in exile and this is where you get up close and personal with our Father. I thought I had a relationship with God before; I know now that I have a personal one with my Father and I have been given an assignment to teach and reach out to women of all ages to share God’s love. I will start at churches and group homes. I pray to be able to share my testimony in many places to be transparent with my mistakes and to help women of al ages from making the mistakes I made. I am no longer the broken woman named Kimberly Robinson and abuse no longer defines me. It was a hard journey to let go and let God but it is possible. I will work in my personal ministry helping women and support my church, work a job, live with my children, at least to begin with, and help raise my granddaughter.