Name: Kendra Ward, #53803-177
DOB: July 4
Race: White.
Raised: Wichita Falls, TX.
Tried: Northern District of Texas.
Will live: Wichita Falls, TX.
Charges: 21 USC 846; 841(a)(1) & (b)(1)(c) Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute Methamphetamine.
Trial or plea: Guilty Plea.
Sentenced on: July 8, 2016
Served: 8 years.
Priors: Minor Offenses
Prison Conduct: Exemplary, extensive programs and consistent work history.
Clemency status: Granted on 1/17/25
Release date: July 29, 2030.
Institution: FMC Carswell, Ft. Worth TX.
Supporters: Family, Friends, CAN-DO Foundation
According to Kendra: My request for clemency is a request for a second chance to reclaim my life. I make no excuses for my actions and accept full responsibility for the irrational and irresponsible choices that I made to engage in drug activity. There are so many reasons why I am asking President Biden to grant me clemency.
Since my incarceration I have been on a path to better myself and change my character. When I was sentenced to 220 months in federal prison it was more than a wakeup call. It was a moment in my life when I had to decide what it was I wanted. I could make a decision to continue with the way my life was, or a I could make a conscious decision to change. I realized that all roads in life for good or bad began with one small step – when we choose the path we choose the destination. I chose to embark on a new way of thinking. And the first step in doing that was realizing that I was better than my addiction, and that with hard work I could conquer it. Along those lines I also enrolled in and completed the Drug Abuse program and other federally approved programs. Knowing that I wanted other life skills, I was able to complete the apprenticeship to become a Certified Physical Therapist Aide. This will help me with a successful reentry. I have also completed many courses.
I have a 9 year old daughter, and two boys ages 16 & 12, whom I love and care for deeply. Their father was their primary caretaker until he passed away May 26, 2020, from an asthma attack. It has taken its toll on the children, and now my elderly parents are caring for them. I need to be home with them to be the mother they deserve and can be proud of. Today, I can tell President Biden that they are my motivation. When the Court imposed a 220-month term of imprisonment it hurt. But I can tell the Court that the pain I felt could not compare to the pain that I caused my children by committing crimes that separated me from being the mother that they deserved. I know that I was the reason for their tears and disappointment when they simply wanted their mother home and in their life. I am committed to never again making decisions that could jeopardize me being the mother that my children deserve. Failure is not an option for me.
I have a family that loves and cares for me. I would live with my Mother-in-law in Wichita Falls, TX, and seek out employment as a Physical Therapist Aide so that I can provide for my family. I will look to get involved in Celebrate Recovery groups in my church, obtain a sponsor and begin working the steps to ensure my recovery, as that comes first.