Name: Charlotte Nicole O’Neal, Reg. #36590-180
DOB: May 20
Race: White.
Raised: Houston, Texas.
Tried: Western District of Texas.
Will live: Waco, Texas.
Charges: Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute Methamphetamine – (21 USC § 841(a)(1) & (b)(1)(B)(viii).
Trial or plea: Plea.
Sentenced on: March 16, 2019.
Priors: Minor traffic tickets.
Prison Conduct: Exemplary.
Clemency status: Pending.
Release date: February 27, 2026.
Institution: FMC Carswell Camp, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127.
Supporters: Family, Friends, CAN-DO Foundation, Lisa Jacobi.
Health issues: None
- Many Courses Completed.
- Community Based Work Detail.
According to Charlotte: Where does one even begin . . . I was a drug addict. It’s not an excuse, it’s a disease, to which I have done what I can to overcome my addiction. I feel like the Lord saw me hurting and by His grace, saved me. When I was arrested, I was more relieved than anything; I was out of control. I needed this time to get my mind and myself together. I wasn’t strong enough to do it on my own and like I said, this has saved my life. After the loss of my mother to cancer in 2012, and my son’s father in a tragic motorcycle accident, and then the defeat of fighting the system for my children in 2014; all within 2 years – I gave up all hope for my future. I was in a deep depression, I got very careless with life. I let drugs and gambling take complete control and during this time my actions put me in dangerous situations. I was on a suicide mission and in a dark place.
During my incarceration, I have strengthened relationships with my family & friends. Those I thought were ashamed of me were wanting to help me all along, I just didn’t realize it. I’ve let go of the toxic relationships as well as I have learned the only person, I can save is myself. I needed to work on myself and since being incarcerated I have worked on the guilt and shame I’ve carried for a long time that led me to make poor choices, and like the old song goes, I was looking for love in all the wrong places. I have worked on my mental health issues and my sobriety has brought me out of depression.
I have grieved the loss of my mother, and the closed adoption of my 2 sons. I have begun to restore the relationships with my daughter’s grandmother, and she has let me back into my daughter’s life again, for which I am most grateful. I have three children, two sons (Dylan 16 and Russell 10, and one daughter, Journey, who is 13). I will never understand why all these things have happened, but I have learned that there is a reason for everything, and with the Lord’s help and the newfound strength I find in Him, I can forgive myself and that is what I struggled with all along.
Release plan: Housing: If released on clemency, Ms. O’Neal has a loving and caring family who are committed to assisting her in a successful reentry to society. Ms. O’Neal would live with her good friend in Waco, TX.
Employment: Ms. O’Neal plans to secure employment immediately upon release, so she is not a burden to her family. She has a job waiting for her working as a secretary for Central Link Broadcasting. At Central Link she is also able to do field maintenance as needed.
Medical: Ms. O’Neal plans to secure medical insurance through her employer.
Church/Community: Ms. O’Neal will attend The Triangle and The Winner’s Circle Recovery Groups. She will secure a sponsor to ensure that she will have the support needed to maintain sobriety.
Ms. O’Neal will be attending the Church of the Open Door with Pastor Ronnie Holmes. This is the church her family has been members of for many years. At this church is a women’s support group that Ms. O’Neal can attend.
Ms. O’Neal will continue to reestablish relationships with her children. I will have supervised visits with my daughter Journey and have a bedroom at the house waiting for her with the hope of one day she will return to me.