
Sandra Bowen – 18 years

12/6/1969 i’M BLACK,ENGAGED,47, Two grandchildren,AZ,New York city,Brooklyn.Conspiracy to marijana,18 years7 years and5 months,shop lefting two times.,I did very good in prison all the programs.I was dined Clemency because I’n not a Citizen I’m a green card holder.MDCbrooklyn.I got my GED in prison and many more accomplishments.
Name: Sandra Bowen
DOB: 12/6/1969
Race: Black
Marital Status: Engaged
Age: 47
Children: 2
Grandchildren: 2
State where you were charged/tried; Arizona
Where will you release: Brooklyn, NY
Charge: conspiracy to to distribute marijuana
Sentence: 18 years, 7 years and 5 months
Served to date: (write in years – not months)
Started Sentence on:
Priors: 2 shoplifting
Prison Conduct: Excellent
Clemency status: Denied

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